So - which ass-kicking boots do I buy?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ode on a Grecian Urn

What does a Grecian earn? Probably more than me. I mean, flowing togas and crowns of laurels can't come cheap, right? Which is why I was pleasantly surprised to discover how to look adorably Grecian for just a few drachmae.

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Megan was wearing an awesome double headband of gold braid, much like in the picture above (edited because it does justice to neither Megan nor myself. And because I stole it. Economical!). I was shocked when she told me it was from Claire's. Alas, when I went to Claire's to get one for myself, the store didn't have any! A true Greek tragedy.
But my co-blogger was there to save the day. One quick trip to the trimming district (complete with requisite Project Runway-contestant sighting -- in this case, Austin Scarlett) and a series of text messages later, and Jayn was able to procure for me my own golden fleece (shown above). A yard of this gold braid wrapped twice around my head, with my hair pulled back in a messy bun -- goddess-like! If only my toga party days weren't behind me . . .

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